Monday, June 2, 2014

Welcome to JINJA!

As I am sure you all know, WE’VE MADE IT TO JINJA!!!  We were absolutely and completely blessed to be able to stay at Momma Bishop’s this last week.  Her and her staff served us beyond what we deserved.  The food was incredible, the fruit was so, SO tasty, and we all now know how to hunt for mangos thanks to our bus driver Raj. J
            My name is Meghan Scholtens and I am one of the seven a part of the medical team.  For this past week we have been working in the Kamuli District Hospital in Kamuli.  While we were there we met many fantastic medical staff.  Many of them were nursing and medical students that were our age so it was really interesting to be able to talk to them about their schooling.  We will eventually have more training and schooling than them, but for now they know much more about treatment and physical medicine than we do.  We were also introduced to many of the head nurses of the different wards at the hospital.  We became especially close to two nurses in the maternity ward named Anita and Mary because we enjoyed spending time there . . . I think I can say for us all this was our favorite ward. J 
            We all witnessed at least one live birth and 2 of us witnessed a C-section.  It was amazing to be able to see these things because none of us had ever witnessed a birth before.  And I can also say that African women are beasts!  I don’t think they feel pain.  They are just amazing people!
            But along with this beauty came a lot of hurt.  Just from sharing with each other what we saw each day, I can tell you we all walked away from that hospital with a heavy heart.  We saw a part of the worst side of humanity and we’ll never forget that, but I believe we all have a new appreciation for modern medicine.
            If you want to know more about specific things we’ve seen and experiences we’ve had any of us are willing to talk about it, but I definitely can’t cover everything here.  J

            Thank you all for the prayers and support you are all sending us.  We definitely appreciate it and can’t wait to share more with you.  God bless!    
-Meghan :)

1 comment:

  1. Raj is the best!!! Please tell him I said hello!

    Praying for you all. I am hoping to come see you all in Jinja next week sometime!
